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Spring is Here! Prepare Your Home for Unexpected Flooding

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living room in floodWith spring comes warmer weather, the glimmer of the sun, blooming flowers and unfortunately, flooding. Make sure your home is prepared this spring to help avoid any costly flood damages. Even if you think your home is not at risk, it’s best to be prepared.  Renter’s or homeowner’s insurance don’t typically cover losses due to flooding, so if you’re new to the area or new to your home, be aware.

Here Are 4 Tips to Prepare for Flooding:

  1. Build an emergency kit: From bandages to fresh water, you never know what you may encounter in a flood.
  2. Install “check valves” to prevent floodwater from backing up into your home through your drainage system.
  3. If possible, put up barriers to stop floodwater from entering your home. Sandbags are a great way to divert water and block it from finding a way into your home.
  4. If your power has gone out, turn off the electricity at the main breaker or fuse box.  It’s better to be over prepared than under prepared, especially when it comes to protecting your home.

Sometimes, regardless of how much you prepare for flood season, water damage will happen to you home.

Does your insurance policy cover water damage and flooding? Contact your insurance agent so you have a full understanding of what coverage you have.


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